Saltcorn 0.3.2 - Tabs, HTTPS, dropdowns, and the weather

By Tom Nielsen
Published on 

Saltcorn 0.3.2 contains the following enhancements:

  • Tabs/accordions: you can now use tabs and accordions in pages and views built with the drag-and-drop view builder. Each tab/accordion section gets a little area you can drop elements into.
  • Custom CSS/class: container elements can now have custom classes and CSS style. In Show views, the classes can be a formula based on the database row.
  • HTTPS: the Saltcorn server can now obtain SSL certificates automatically from Let's Encrypt or use custom SSL certificates. This means you no longer need to run Saltcorn behind a proxy or load balancer to benefit from HTTPS traffic encryption. If you are running a multitenant server, you can use a custom wildcard certificate to protect all your tenants, but this certificate cannot be obtained automatically. Full documentation available
  • Gmail-style drop-down search filters: you can now build Gmail style dropdowns inside a search bar using the filter views - . This is a great way of exposing detailed search capabilities for power users while being unobtrusive for beginners. Example: Saltcorn roadmap
  • Login/signup form: you can now customise the login and signup forms by choosing views of the user table under the configuration menu. This also means you can use a different field from the email field for the user login, although the signup form always haa to give at least email and password fields. The customer signup form works in conjunction with the new user form giving you a two-step sign up process, if you would like that.
  • Views can now set the page title, using a fixed string or a formula based on the database row. Currently only the Show views can advantage of this facility.
  • remove on root page: the option to specify that views should be shown on the root page (the homepage) has been removed. Use pages to specify the homepage
  • insert row action: there is a new action to insert a row in a table based on a JavaScript expression for the field values. This can use any functions that have been supplied by plug-ins. I am currently using this action to measure the temperature and barometric pressure in my house on a Rasberry Pi every 5 minutes, and plotting it on a Saltcorn page using the visualize plug-in.  

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