Saltcorn 0.2 released

By Tom Nielsen
Published on 

Release 0.2.0 is the second Minimal Viable Product (MVP2) release for Saltcorn, a free and open source no-code database application builder.

Compared to release 0.1.4, this release contains the following changes:

  • users can change their own passwords
  • redesigned drag-and-drop builder
  • redesigned plugin store
  • redesigned onboarding page
  • color field type
  • innumerable bugs fixed
  • many small user experience improvements

This release rounds off the implementation for an application scope that is well-defined but somewhat restricted. That involves pure-CRUD applications, that is applications that only create, read, update and delete rows in a database. You can build a surprising amount of applications using this scope, and I think Saltcorn is now a good and fairly stable choice if you can match your application requirements with interaction patterns supported in Saltcorn 0.2.

The next release, Saltcorn 0.2.1, will not enlarge on that scope but include a few features that you might expect in a CRUD application. This includes ability for users to retrieve forgotten password with email. In addition during that cycle I will focus more on building plugins against the current plugin interface. Grid editing - with the built-in table editor and/or as a plug-in - and pop-up modals may or may not make it into release 0.2.1.

Releases 0.2.2 and following will work on broadening the scope of applications that can be built in Saltcorn. This includes:

  • calculated field
  • conditional elements in views
  • rows that are owned by users
  • configurable user fields
  • login with username or email

I'm particularly interested in supporting the development of niche social networks.

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