Saltcorn 0.9.8 - Help, testing, registry

By Tom Nielsen
Published on 

Help: additional in-app help topics include the different permission settings for tables, roles and row inclusion formulas.

Tests: we have added two new kinds of tests that are run in continuous integration after every commit to github. The Playwright test suite uses the playwright tool for full stack end to end testing. This means you can make detailed assertions about what happens for instance in the builder when you drag elements around. The tests currently run in a headless Chrome browser but can also run in many different browsers. We have also built a lightweight end to end tests suite using the jsdom library. These tests run in node.js in a simulated browser environment and are therefore not as realistic. However the advantage of running them in node is that we can quickly create views in the test script and then run user interaction scenarios. 

Stability on many-tenant systems: The deployment on is now much more stable. You have probably noticed getting forcibly logged out of applications hosted on, to the extent that it was almost unusable. This is now much improved with fixes to session and cookie management.

Mobile speedup: speed ups on many functions in IOS and Android applications. 

Auth on tenants: tenant applications can now use the authentication plugins installed in the root environment

Menu tooltips: menu items can now have tool tips. If you have a lot of items on a horizontal toolbar you can use this to replace the text with icons and then use tool tips for the labels.

UX improvements: most forms are autosave,.in particular the view properties edit form is less painful to deal with now. Some CSS fixes set the height of builder elements to expand naturally to the bottom of the screen.

Several new field views were added. A monospace code block for string fields, with optional elements to expand / contract and copy the contents. Number Fields now have a to_locale_string fieldview to control decimal points and currency settings. Finally there is a Texteditor fileview that can be used to edit the contents of a file referenced by a file field.

User role field: the user role field is now explicitly a field on the user table. This makes it easier to build user admin facilities using Saltcorn views.

Registry editor: there is now a registry editor where you can search, view and edit the JSON definitions of various entities (views, pages, triggers etc). 

0.9.8 is the last release in the 0.9.x series. Future releases will be tagged 1.0.0-beta.x in preparation for 1.0.0 and will focus on stability, testing and small usability improvements

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